eBay Collectibles Vault Trials @ BUCK
April 1, 2023

eBay wanted to show off The Vault and so they came to BUCK to make a VR experience where you could play three mini-games with collectible trading cards. I was responsible for making all of the card assets.

It's true that creating cards for a real-time experience is not the most technically impressive thing I have ever done at BUCK, however I took a lot of pride in recreating the holographic features with PBR textures. In total there were 57 unique cards to recreate with a high level of detail. After all, this experience was meant for hardcore collectors who are very familiar with these pricy collectibles and what to look for that will turn a GEM Mint 10 into a mere 8. There is more to view at the BUCK website.

A Video Showing off the Details

Scenes from the Con

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